Importance of Tarpaulin - Types and Usage
“Long, strong, flexible, waterproof sheets - in layman’s language". The importance of tarpaulin is unquestionable because of the multiple uses that it can be put to, both at home and also in many industries. Tarpaulins are very helpful in sheltering people in case of disasters and other calamities as well. Tarpaulin is a heavy-duty, waterproof fabric, originally made of tarred cotton canvas and used by sailors. Today, tarps are commonly made of plastics such as polyethylene. Tarpaulin is a highly versatile fabric and can be put to various uses like:- Protecting construction from roof leaks - After severe storms, homeowners are often left with large holes in their roofs and claims filed with insurance companies can take a long time to be processed. To avoid leaks and the water damage that accompanies it tarpaulin can be placed on roofs to provide temporary relief. Protecting transportation from sunlight and rainfall - Tarpaulins are used to shelter, food and other huma...